If you live or work in North Kensington and have been affected by the Grenfell Tower fire, you are eligible for free access to Healthier Futures self-care activities. These services can help you to become healthy, live well and take care of the people most important to you.

So what is self care? Self-care simply describes taking care of yourself. Self-care activities can be as easy as brushing your teeth, choosing to eat healthily, or making time to exercise.

Taking care of ourselves can help us to better cope with the short and long-term effects of difficult life experiences and help the healing process. Start by reflecting on the last week and how you have felt, this can help to identify some areas where you need might need some help?

  • How did you sleep?
  • What made you stressed
  • What did you eat and how did it make you feel?
  • Screen time – did you have enough time away from screens?
  • Exercise – did you go outside for a walk?
  • How much did you drink?
  • What did you do you enjoyed?
  • When did you feel good? Stressed or emotionally drained?

Tools to help you assess how you're doing